Engineering ESPAÑOL 

The Engineering Department consists of a staff that includes Engineers, Designers, CAD/GIS technicians,
survey crews, right of way agents, and administrative staff that are responsible for the design and
construction management of new and expansion of existing drainage systems as approved by the
Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 Board. Additionally, the Department also reviews new subdivision
plans and floodplain development to ensure the safe and efficient movement of flood waters to protect
life and property and promote future growth of the county.

- Topographic Surveying Services
- Global Positioning Systems and field data collection

Drafting and Geographical Information Systems
- Construction Plans
- Informational Graphics
- Mapping
- Infrastructure Inventory

Right of Way Acquisition Services
- Easement and Right of Way negotiations and acquisitions
- Condemnation Support
- Utility Coordination
- Interlocal Agreements
- Appraisal reviews

- Inspection and oversight of drainage infrastructure
- Contractor’s activity documentation
- Final Inspections and punch list preparation

- Design
- Specifications
- Estimation
- Project Oversight and Administration
- Hydrology and Hydraulic Studies
- Grant application and management
- Consulting Engineer Management
- Floodplain Regulations
- Stormwater management


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