Hurricane Preparedness ESPAÑOL

How To Prepare For a Hurricane?

Hurricane Season officially begins on June 1st and comes to an end on November 30th every year. During this period of time we could be impacted by a number of hurricanes and tropical storms. You can view the list of names for future hurricanes and storms here.  


What Should You Do?

  • Avoid flooded areas, especially if they are flooding very fast. TURN AROUND DON'T DROWN.
  • Never drive through flooded roads. Roads could be in bad condition.
  • Follow evacuation indications or plan your evacuation routes ahead of time.
  • Take an inventory of your personal property.
  • Stay informed through local and national media.
  • Make sure your cell phone is charged and have portable chargers in case electricity goes out.
  • Put all your important documents in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Prepare an Emergency Supply Kit with enough food and water for 30 days.
  • Pack medical prescriptions and medicines.
  • Don't forget about your pets! make sure to have food for your pets.
  • Identify the shelter locations in your area.
  • Review your insurance policies.

Where Can I obtain sand bags?

In case of a rain event or hurricane is forecasted, be aware of updates from your City and local media to learn about where will sand bag distributions are going to be taking place.


Helpful Resources

Hidalgo County Emergency Management

Flood Smart

USGS Special Topics: Hurricanes